Turning the Tide – Exploring the Role of European Art and Culture in Waterfront Resilience Amidst Climate Change

Die Wiener Bildungsakademie ist Partner im europäischen Kulturprojekt Turning the Tide und freut sich über diese öffentliche Veranstaltung die in englischer Sprache stattfinden wird:
Exploring the Role of European Art and Culture in Waterfront Resilience Amidst Climate Change
Join us for an insightful exploration into the impact of European art and culture on the resilience of waterfronts in the face of climate change. This event promises a dynamic lineup of speakers and discussions that delve into the intersection of creativity, cultural planning, and climate crisis response.
Welcome Words:
Cappar Hajo, Director of Wiener Bildungsakademie
Petra Bayr, President of Wiener Bildungsakademie, Member of Austrian Parliament
Hannes Heide, Member of European Parliament – Committee on Culture and Education
Keynote Speaker:
Iwona Preis, Intercult and River // Cities
„Turning the tide – Creative Action for Uncharted Climate Emergencies“
Marlies Vermeulen, Dear Hunter Den Haag
Short Presentations:
Dear Hunter, Den Haag – The Netherlands
Intercult, Stockholm – Sweden
ARTIT, Avoia – Greece
Urban Culture Institute Gdansk – Poland
Discussion Panel:
Iwona Preis, Intercult Stockholm
Marlies Vermeulen, Dear Hunter Den Haag
Peko Baxant, Municipal Councillor, Member of the Arts and Culture Committee.
Bernhard Müller, Urban Future Institut
TTT is a three-year transnational project involving five European countries. Through cultural planning, it addresses climate challenges in waterfront cities, emphasizing co-creation, mapping, and international collaboration. Ten artists, supported by local communities, work to amplify unheard voices and raise awareness of climate issues. TTT aims to empower local artists and communities to make a difference in climate challenges.
Tuesday December 5th – 18:00 Uhr – 6:00 PM
Wiener Bildungszentrum
Praterstraße 25, 1020 Wien
Online on https://www.youtube.com/@TurningTheTide_Project
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